World Premiere by Justin Shipman
Directed by Andrew Smith
Scapism confronts the difficulties of finding balance within friendship, art, dreams, and romance. A self-exiled poet and a wandering film-maker in search of the fantastic lead us on a journey through the ordinary and the extraordinary in search of the ingredients necessary for a balanced life.
Produced at the District of Columbia Arts Center
Cast: Michole Biancosino, Justin Shipman, Jon Cohn, Jesse Terrill, Richard Kirkwood, Scott Fortier, Deanna Harris, Chris Janson, Eric Kasek.
World Premiere by Justin Shipman
Directed by Andrew Smith
Scapism confronts the difficulties of finding balance within friendship, art, dreams, and romance. A self-exiled poet and a wandering film-maker in search of the fantastic lead us on a journey through the ordinary and the extraordinary in search of the ingredients necessary for a balanced life.
Produced at the District of Columbia Arts Center
Cast: Michole Biancosino, Justin Shipman, Jon Cohn, Jesse Terrill, Richard Kirkwood, Scott Fortier, Deanna Harris, Chris Janson, Eric Kasek.
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