2013 marks the 50th anniversary of Betty Friedan’s watershed treatise The Feminine Mystique, the book that launched second-wave feminism in this country. Accordingly, we are launching our yearly themed reading series around themes of women’s changing lives: ”Feminine Mystique: 50 years later” Reading Series features plays by and about women who challenge traditional notions of what it means to be a woman today, as we look back on our history.
Gather at the River written and directed by Laura Marks
The Feast of the Flying Cow…and Other Stories of War by Jeni Mahoney dir. by Jackson Gay
Playgrounds by Sarah Sander dir. by Suzanne Agins
Mexico by Hilary Bettis dir. Elena Araoz
That’s All I Got by Addie Walsh, dir. by Michole Biancosino
Works in Progress Short Plays, Poems, Prose and Monologues
2013 marks the 50th anniversary of Betty Friedan’s watershed treatise The Feminine Mystique, the book that launched second-wave feminism in this country. Accordingly, we are launching our yearly themed reading series around themes of women’s changing lives: ”Feminine Mystique: 50 years later” Reading Series features plays by and about women who challenge traditional notions of what it means to be a woman today, as we look back on our history.
Gather at the River written and directed by Laura Marks
The Feast of the Flying Cow…and Other Stories of War by Jeni Mahoney dir. by Jackson Gay
Playgrounds by Sarah Sander dir. by Suzanne Agins
Mexico by Hilary Bettis dir. Elena Araoz
That’s All I Got by Addie Walsh, dir. by Michole Biancosino
Works in Progress Short Plays, Poems, Prose and Monologues
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Project Y Theatre Company | 520 8th Avenue, Suite 353, New York, NY 10018 © All Rights Reserved | Site Design by Christopher G. Ulloth